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Pilot`s Notes Mosquito Pilot`s Notes


A.P. 2019E-P.N.

British Air Ministry, January 1950

41. Climbing

(i) The speed for maximum rale of climb is 150 knots.

(ii) Climb in low gear at 2.850 r.p.m. and + 9 lb./sq.in. boost. When (he maximum obtainable boost has fallen to +7 lb./sq.in., change to AUTO. Above 18.000 ft. decrease the airspeed by 2 knots per 1.000 ft.

(iii) When climbing for maximum range, climb in low gear ai 2,650 r.p.m. and +7 lb./sq in. boost, using the airspeeds recommended above. When the maximum obtainable boost has fallen to + 4 lb./sq. in. set the supercharger gear change switch to AUTO and re-adjust the throttles. Above 18,000 fl. increase power to t 9 lb./sq.in. and 2.850 r.p.m. and reduce airspeed as recommended. Although less fuel is used to reach a given altitude by climbing at high power the total fuel used and the time taken on the subsequent cruise is the same, whether the aircraft is climbed at 2.650 r.p.m. and +7 lb./sq. in. boost or 2.850 r.p.m. and +9 lb./sq. in. boost.

(iv) When climbing with a boost setting of less than + 9 lb./sq. in. the automatic boost control cannot open the throttle valves fully and the boost will begin to fall off before full throitle height is reached : the throttle levers should be progressively advanced to the gate to maintain the desired boost.

(v) For operational necessity at any altitude, select AUTO and 3.000 r.p.m. and move the throttles fully forward (see para. 20).

42. General flying

(i) Stability

Stability about all axes is satisfactory, but with the CO. aft longitudinal stability deteriorates on the climb.

(ii) Changes of trim

Undercarriage up ... Slightly nose up

Undercarriage down ... Nose down

Flaps up ... ... Strongly nose down

Flaps down ... ... Nose up

Radiator shutters open Nose up

Radiator shutters closed Nose down

Bomb doors open ... Nose up slightly

Bomb doors closed ... Nose down slightly

(iii) Controls

The controls are light and ellective and manoeuvrability is good. The rudder should not be used violently at high speeds. When two-tier R.P. or rails are carried, aileron control is poor at low speeds, i.e.. during take-off and approach to land.

(iv) Flying at reduced airspeeds

Speed should be reduced to 175 knots, flaps lowered 15° and the r.p.m. controls set to give 2,650 r.p.m. Speed may then be reduced to 130 knots.

43. Stalling

(i) The approximate stalling speeds in knots are as follows:—

Power off ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 18.000 lb.

Undercarriage and flaps up .. .. .. .. 105

Undercarriage and flaps down ... ... 95-100

Power on under typical approach conditions 90-95

(ii) Warning of the approach of the stall is given by pronounced buffeting of the control surfaces, the onset of which can be felt some 10 knots before the stall itself. At the stall the aircraft pitches, the A.S.I. fluctuates and the nose drops gently. There is little the tendency for the wing to drop unless the control column is held back. Recovery is easy and normal in all cases.

44. Cruising

(i) For any required airspeed, the maximum weak mixture boost ( +7 lb./sq. in.) together with the lowest practicable r.p.m. provide the most economical conditions.

(ii) When cruising at low r.p.m. the engines should be cleared every 30 mins. at + 12 lb./sq.in. boost and 2,850 r.p.m. for 30 secs.

(iii) At any height the speed for maximum range is 170 knots at a weight of 17.000 lb. but below 10.000 ft. this speed can only be obtained at an uneconomical boost setting, even when using minimum r.p.m. Speed should therefore be increased to approximately 200 knots.

(iv) Fly with the supercharger gear change switch in the MOD position, unless the recommended airspeed cannot be obtained without exceeding 2,650 r.p.m.. when high gear should be engaged by switching to AUTO

45. Flight planning charts

The recommended cruising speeds ANMPG and GPU curves for a mean weight of 17,000 lb. and 20.000 lb. at sea level. 10.000 ft and 20,000 ft. in low gear and at 25.000 ft in high gear are on pages 30 to 33.

46. Position error corrections

The position error corrections are negligible and may be disregarded.

47. Approach and landing

(i) Carry out items 106 to 112 in the Pilot's Check List.

(ii) From 17.000 Ib. to 18,000 lb. the following final approach speeds are recommended :—

Flaps down

Engine assisted ......... 100-105 knots

At full load this speed should be increased by about 5 knots.

(iii) With the undercarriage and flaps down the rate of descent is very high. If undershooting, corrective action entails the use of more power than might be expected.

(iv) After landing and when clear of the runway carry out items 113 to 117 in the Pilot's Check List.

48. Mislanding and going round again

The aircraft will climb satisfactorily at approximately 120 knots with flaps and undercarriage down at climbing power.

(i) Open the throttles to + 9 lb./sq. in. boost.

(ii) Raise the undercarriage and while it is retracting raise the flaps to 15°. and rc-trim.

(iii) At a safe height and speed retract the flaps fully and retrim.

49. Stopping the engines

(i) If the serviceability of the engine is in doubt, such items of the run-up given in para. 38 as may be necessary should be carried out. In all cases, however, the engines should be idled at 1.000 r.p.m. for a short period and during this period if no other check of the ignition has been made the magnetos should be tested for a dead cut.

(ii) To stop the engines the slow-running cut-outs should be pulled out until the engines have stopped, after which they should be released smartly.

(iii) After the engines have stopped, carry out items 118 to 12& in the Pilot's Check List.

50. Oil dilution

(i) Adjust the oil level in the tanks to 12½ gallons.

(ii) To ensure a cold sun at the following temperatures the oil should be diluted for the times quoted below :

Between - 10°C and - 15 °C....... 1 minute

Between - 15°C. and - 26°C...... 2 minutes

(iii) During the next start after 2 minutes' dilution the minimum partial boiling-off period at 2,000 r.p.m. is 10 minutes. After 1 minute dilution no special partial boiling-off precautions are necessary.
