Aviation of World War II

Aviation of World War II

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BRITISH ALLY, No. 44 October 29, 1944 Publication of the British Ministry of Information. The price is 2 rubles.


With the defeat of Germany, the immediate danger that gave rise to the Anglo-Soviet Treaty will disappear. What are the prospects for our union for the future?

Three positions are certain.

First, the Anglo-Soviet alliance finds the ardent support of the leaders and the masses of the people of both countries.

Secondly, there are no such strong differences in interests that could seriously threaten the success of the union.

Thirdly, it is also certain that if the Anglo-Soviet alliance is not preserved, Europe will find itself on a path that will lead to a new war.

That cooperation between these two great powers in European affairs is not a temporary matter is proved by the fact that in order to save their own freedom, to save Europe, they fought together three times already - against Napoleon, against Kaiser Wilhelm and against Hitler.

If England and Russia had cooperated as closely in periods of peace, the last two wars could have been avoided. If they cooperate now, a major war in Europe will be impossible. But if they oppose each other, the war will be almost inevitable.

* * *

The Anglo-Soviet alliance is not something isolated. There is also a tripartite Anglo-Soviet-American cooperation. Each of the partners is equally needed by the other two. Nevertheless, tranquility on the European continent will for a long time be determined by the closeness of Britain's relations with the USSR. However, the logically obvious and practically determined need for an alliance does not guarantee success.

The camaraderie born of the war dispelled many of the prejudices created in both countries. Other delusions will also disappear with time. However, there are still unexplained problems, and there will be no shortage of people willing to use them for their own selfish and dangerous purposes.

There are a handful of reckless, irresponsible people in the UK who pour grist on Hitler's mill by developing suspicions about the Russians, questioning their intentions. These people paint gloomy pictures of the "Bolshevization of Europe" and suggestively allude to the threat to India.

They may have partners in Russia, although we do not know anything about this.

* * *

In other countries, there are people and groups, starting with the Germans, who will try to set us against each other, rubbing the places known to them as the most sensitive until they bleed.

We must constantly beware of such intrigues. Success in overcoming all tricks will depend on how much we trust each other.

This trust acquires much greater strength and stamina when the Russians and the British come together for a conversation much more frank than what is happening now.

It is important to know what the other country is going to do. But it is equally important to know the reasons forcing the other side to take certain steps in order to prevent misunderstandings.

In the field of our relations with the Americans (with whom, by the way, we have much more contradictions than with the Russians), constant personal contact is maintained between the Prime Minister and the President. This is an official and personal relationship.

Thus, we know in what direction the thought of our ally is working and we understand why certain decisions are made, even if they are not to our liking.

Relations between us and the Russians, despite linguistic difficulties, must be placed on the same basis. Otherwise, such decisions will be constantly made, which, being quite natural for one side, will seem incomprehensible to the other side. The inevitable consequence will then be mutual irritation and mistrust.

* * *

Explanations should be given before the implementation of the decision, and not after it has been implemented.

It is also necessary to frankly recognize, study and destroy the main sources that can bring a feeling of irritation about our relations.

Let us assume that the Russians persistently eliminate their illusions and delusions about us, let's see what changes need to be made in our ideas about them, proceed from the fact that they will soon play such an important role in world affairs as they have never before belonged.

* * *

One of the consequences of the 1917 revolution was the attitude towards the Soviet Union, which existed for about twenty years, as an outcast country. After the last world war, Russia did not participate at all in the reorganization of Europe. Large chunks of her territory were taken from her. Since it was about international relations, it was not considered a great power and did not think that it would become one.

Now, when the position of the USSR as a great power is no longer in doubt, a natural consequence will be its great role in the post-war reconstruction, in the post-war organization of Eastern European affairs.

After all, the Russians never questioned the special nature of our relations with the countries of northwestern Europe or the interests of the United States on the American continent.

The Polish question is another source of potential misunderstandings. There is no reason to doubt that Marshal Stalin wants to see Poland free and independent.

But for absolutely understandable and legitimate reasons, the Russians want Poland, like Czechoslovakia, to be part of the Russian security system.

The fact that the past history of Russian-Polish relations causes Poles to worry about such an arrangement poses a difficult dilemma for Russians, as well as for Poles.

If the Russians are not able to get what they want, then what should they sacrifice - their security for the sake of Poland's independence, or the independence of Poland for the sake of their security.

It is not easy for any great power to cope with such a situation, and especially for the Soviet Union, which has met the attitude described above for twenty years. The Russians did not show too much patience and prudence in this matter, no more than we did in solving the slightly similar problem of Ireland.

For Russians, our advice about Poland is about as pleasant as their advice about Ireland would be pleasant to us.

* * *

One of the most important functions of the Anglo-Soviet Alliance is connected with Germany. The Germans will make every effort to sow discord between us and the Russians. They need this in order to be able to join the side that seems to them stronger and in this way to achieve domination in Europe, which twice eluded their hands.

An Anglo-German alliance would be just as dangerous for the Russians. as a Russo-German alliance for us. If it could occur to any of us that the other was carried away by such an idea, then a competition for the support of Germany could begin.

It is to create suspicion that the Germans use all their ingenuity. These suspicions would have fatal consequences not only for the Anglo-Russian alliance, but also for peace in Europe and throughout the globe.

The Allies will be just as vigilant towards Germany in times of peace as they are in times of war. It is difficult to admit that we, having the experience of two wars behind us, will fall for such a bait, under whatever sauce it is offered to us.

Whatever the form of worldwide organization established after the war, world peace will ultimately depend on the relationship between the four great powers.

Two of these powers are in Europe, where both world shocks began. It depends on them whether a new war will break out in the area or not.

The preservation and strengthening of the alliance between England and the USSR is thus their duty not only to themselves, but to all mankind.

(Article published in The Spectator)

BRITISH ALLY, No. 45 November 5, 1944 Publication of the British Ministry of Information. The price is 2 rubles.


(From the appeals of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks))


November 4-5 in London will be held "Congress of Friendship with the USSR", which has no equal in the past. It will take place in Westminster's Central Hall at the Coliseum Theatre.

The task of the Anglo-Soviet Friendship Congress will be to take stock of the achievements in strengthening cooperation between the two allied countries and to work out measures that could in the future contribute to a further rapprochement between Britain and the USSR.

More than a hundred eminent figures from the public circles of Britain participated in the organization of the congress. Among the organizers of the Congress were Lord Moran, Lord Horder, Earl Lytton, Earl Huntingdon, Lady Glencoats, Lady Montgomery, Lady Macrobert, Lady Simon; Professors: Patrick Abercrombie, Blackett Wood-Jones, G. Levy, Sir C. Reilly, Bishop of Chelmsford, Rev. J. Rushbrook, Rev. G. Townshend, J. B. Priestley. Luns Golding, A. J. Cummings, Hannen Swafer, Will Lowther, Jack Tanner, Richard Coppock, Sir William Bradshaw, Mrs. C. S. Ganley, Sir Grenville Bantock, Sir Kenneth Barnes, Augustus John, Laura Knight, Sir Alexander Korda, Arthur Rank, Sir Francis Joseph, David Lloyd George, Lieutenant Colonel Sir Thomas Moore MP.

The meetings of the congress will be chaired by: Bishop of Chelmford, Caroline Hazlet, one of the most prominent women in the community of Britain, awarded the Order of the British Empire. Richard Coppock, MBE, Secretary of the National Construction Workers' Federation. The well-known novelist Luns Golding will preside over the open meeting-demonstration, which will take place on the evening of November 5th.

Speaks will be given by:

J. S. Priestley - about cultural cooperation.

Sir William Bradshaw - on the attitude of the British Co-operative Movement to the Anglo-Soviet Union.

Rev. D. Rushbrook, President, Baptist World Union.

Professor G. Levy - about cooperation in the field of science.

Stringer, responsible officer of the municipality of Coventry. — about fraternal friendship between British and Soviet cities.

DN Pritt, Member of Parliament, Queen's Counsel, on cooperation between Britain and the USSR.

Delegates from all parts of England and Wales are also slated to speak at a public meeting on Sunday afternoon, with other speakers including Rector of Canterbury Cathedral, MP Robert Boothby and representatives of Allied governments. The rally will be attended by the USSR Ambassador to Great Britain, Mr. Gusev, the head of the Soviet trade delegation, the deputy representative of the Russian Red Cross in Great Britain, Dr. Lapteva, who will make a speech at the rally.

Renowned political commentator A. J. Cummings has written an article on British-Soviet cooperation that will appear in the printed program of the Congress.

Two weeks after the invitations were sent out, the delegates nominated to attend the congress represented two and a half million people. The following organizations were among the first to nominate delegates: the Central Committee of Women's Cooperative Guilds, the International Women's Cooperative Guild, the National Union of Merchant Navy Sailors, the National Union of Women Teachers, the National Union of Printers and Binders, the United Union of Machine Builders, the Trade Union of Large Machine Building. National Store Workers Union, South Wales Mine Workers' Federation. Adult Education Union. Cooperative society of wholesale purchases.

* * *

Greetings to the Congress were sent by Viscount Castlerae MP, Lady Macrobert and Will Lowther, President of the Miners' Federation of Great Britain.

Viscount Castleray, chairman of Arsenal Football Club, writes in his greeting:

“I belong to those who believe that cooperation in the field of sports will greatly contribute to the mutual acquaintance of our two peoples. I would like to propose that at the end of hostilities, as soon as possible, the national team of Russian football players would travel to the UK in order to play a number of games in all parts of the country.

If they are as strong in sports as they are in war, then we have tough games ahead of us."

Laden Macrobert, who donated Spitfire fighters to the British Air Force in memory of her dead sons, writes in her greetings to Congress:

“I personally received evidence from Russia that the Soviet people fully appreciate our common sacrifices made in the name of a common cause. The peoples of the world must not forget at what cost the successes have been achieved, what great deeds have been accomplished by all sections of our people. Only the closest friendship, mutual understanding in relations with our allies, hard work and constant vigilance can create a world where the seeds of evil will never sprout.”

Will Lowther, recently returned from a trip to Italy, writes:

“All servicemen, regardless of the type of troops and rank, believe that the alliance with the USSR, which arose during the war, should become a permanent factor.

Among those who smash the fascists in Italy, I have not had to hear other opinions. They believe that friendship, paid for with the blood and suffering of your Russian allies, must be preserved even during the years of peaceful life.

December 28, 2017
Only 5 months have passed since the Allies crossed the English Channel and entered the war with Hitler on the territory of Europe.
Soviet troops have been at war with Hitler for 4 years already, pouring soldier's blood on the fields of Europe, advancing towards Berlin.
The British are full of gratitude to the Soviet liberators, they reason reasonably and adequately.
I can't even believe that this is not "red propaganda", but the British write in an English newspaper.