Aviation of World War II

Aviation of World War II

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BRITISH ALLY, No. 44 October 29, 1944 Publication of the British Ministry of Information. The price is 2 rubles.


Two prominent figures of the British Government, the Lord Privy Seal Lord Beaverbrook and the Minister of Production, Mr Oliver Littleton, were awarded the Order of Suvorov, 1st Class, by the Soviet Government for "outstanding service in organizing the supply of military supplies from Great Britain to the USSR, which played an important role in the fight against a common enemy - Hitler's Germany".

For outstanding leadership of operations for crossing the English Channel and for the invasion of the British and American armed forces into France, as a result of which the troops of Great Britain and the United States of America, together with the French armed forces, inflicted heavy defeats on the German army, liberated large parts of French and Belgian territories from their capitals - Paris and Brussels, and also entered Luxembourg and Holland, to award: Order of Suvorov, 1st degree, Field Marshal Sir Bernard Law Montgomery. Order of Ushakov, 1st class, Admiral Sir Bertram G. Ramsay. Order of Kutuzov, 1st Class, by Air Chief Marshal Sir Trafford Lee Mallory and Lieutenant General Omar N. Bradley. Order of Suvorov, II degree, Lieutenant General Leonard Townsend Gerow and Major General D. Lawton Collins.

The Order of Suvorov, 1st Class, was also awarded to Lieutenant General Mark Clark, Commander of the US Fifth Army in Italy, for outstanding military activities in leading the combat operations of the Allied Forces in Italy in the fight against Nazi Germany.

3,750,000 TONNES

More than 3,750,000 tons of military materials, in other words, about 50 percent of all materials sent to Russia by Great Britain, the USA and Canada, were delivered to the USSR through Iran and Iraq.

The British, Americans, Indians and Russians took part in the enormous work of unloading and transferring these cargoes overland.

Some idea of ​​the colossal amount of work carried out on the production and delivery of the Red Army's vital military equipment and ammunition can be seen at least from the fact that from September to December 19-11, the weight of cargo sent to the USSR amounted to 25,500 tons, and in the first half of 1944 it rose to about 1,750,000 tons.

Tanks, guns, planes, trucks, food, ammunition. oil and technical oils accounted for a significant part of the goods sent to the USSR.

As soon as the headquarters of the United States troops was organized, in the Persian Gulf there was a complete delimitation of activities between the United States and Great Britain.

Thus, transportation by waterways was carried out exclusively by the British, and the assembly of aircraft (more than 4,500 aircraft were sent to the USSR) was undertaken by the Americans.

In many parts of Iran, the British and Americans are working hand in hand to help their Russian allies.

Initially, the materials destined for Russia were unloaded in Bender Shahpur. This port at one time was the only mechanized port in the Persian Gulf, which was approached by a railway line.

The monthly throughput of Bender-Shahpur was increased from 15,000 tons to 70,000 tons.

Later, another port, Koramshar, was brought into operation. Its throughput was at first very small. There were no good dirt roads, no railroads. Now about 180,000 tons of cargo passes through Coramshar every month.

Basra also serves transportation to the USSR, passing an average of about 30,000 tons of cargo per month.

Editor-in-Chief: Press Officer of the British Embassy in the USSR