Aviation of World War II

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Bf 110
  • Heavy Fighter
  • Messerschmitt

The Bf-110 heavy fighter, which first took to the air in May 1936, was adopted as the Bf-110B with two 700 horsepower Yumo-210 engines and was produced in various modifications throughout the Second World War (a total of 6000 aircraft were produced). Before the appearance of the DB-110C modification with two DB-601 engines, 45 Bf-110B aircraft were manufactured.

At the end of 1938, with the advent of the serial DB 601A engine, a new modification of the aircraft appeared, which received the designation Bf 110C. Due to the installation of more powerful motors, the flight data of the Bf 110C-0 immediately improved. The maximum speed increased to 538 km / h at an altitude of 6000 m. The flight range reached 1034 km. This aircraft differed markedly from its predecessors in the smooth outlines of the engine nacelles without protruding radiators of the cooling system. The radiators were now located in flat fairings under the wing, closer to the flap. In addition, the wingtips became straight instead of rounded, thus reducing the wing span and its area. Instead of external trimmers on the ailerons, internal ones were installed. But the main difference of the new aircraft was that it was already a full-fledged fighter.

Approximately 1,300 Bf-110 C-1 and C-3 fighters were produced before the transition to the Bf-110C-4 to C-7 models, which had improved armor and equipment for use as a fighter-bomber and reconnaissance aircraft.

The Bf-110D modification, produced in the D-1 and D-3 versions, had a large supply of fuel (in internal and external fuel tanks) and could be used as a long-range fighter, fighter-bomber and escort aircraft. Part of the vehicles of this type was transferred to night fighters, and at the beginning of 1943 the next E series appeared

Bf 110C Zerstorer 1./ZG76 (M8+FH) over the North Sea 1940

Crew 2-3
Wing span, m 16.2
Length, m 12.1
Height, m 4.13
2 × PE DB-601A-1, hp 1100
Weight, kg:
Empty weight 5150
Maximum takeoff weight 6750
Maximum speed, km/h 560
Time to 6000m, min 10
Service ceiling, m 10000
Service range, m 1100
2×20-mm cannon and 4×7.62-mm machine guns in the nose, 7.62-mm machine guns in in rear cockpit 2 + 1
Photo Description
Drawing Bf 110C/D

The Bf 110C/D

Bf 110D-3 (W.Nr.3406, 3U+LT) from 9./ZG 26

Bf 110D-3 (W.Nr.3406, 3U+LT) from 9./ZG 26 over the Mediterranean, summer 1941. The white fighting cock with red comb was the symbol of the 9th Squadron. The cow inside the white square was the symbol of III/ZG 26. The white "N" on the cowling signifies that the aircraft has DB 601 N engines installed.

Bf 110D-3 from 2 Staffel I/ZG 52

Bf 110D-3 from 2 Staffel I/ZG 52. France, summer 1940.

Bf 110C-2 Zerstorer W.Nr. 3044 3U+AN (3U+AP)


  • "Aviation of Luftwaffe" /Viktor Shunkov/
  • "Messerschmitt Bf 110 Zenstorer" /Sergey Kuznetsov, 2001/
  • "Encyclopedia of military engineering" /Aerospace Publising/