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Yer-2. Combat Use.At the time of the German attack on the USSR, four aviation corps (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th), the 18th separate air division and the 212th separate air regiment were based in the European part of the country, which were part of the DBA - long-range bomber aviation of the Air Force KA . All these units and formations were armed with DB-3, DB-3F and TB-3 aircraft, the only exception was the 14th tbap, which had a squadron of TB-7. In total, the grouping consisted of 1088 long-range and heavy bombers. A month later (including replenishment) there were only 841 of them left, and a month later - 502. Terrible statistics inexorably testified to the loss of half of the combat strength of the DBA in just two months of hostilities! (To be precise, even more: in the first month of the war, according to the report of the DBA Directorate, the losses of long-range bomber aircraft amounted to 625 aircraft, in the second - 178. It should be noted that for the specified period 156 DB-3 were transferred to combat units from schools, the 1st reserve aviation brigade, the Lipetsk courses and the Air Force Research Institute, and 87 vehicles came from the 5th ak, stationed in Khabarovsk (from its composition the 4th and 22nd dbap (long-range bomber regiment) were transferred to the West) Deliveries from aircraft factory No. 126 did not exceed 80 DB-3F.If we rely on the data on the combat composition of the Air Force KA dated July 29, 1941, signed by the Air Force Chief of Staff Colonel Ruhle, then the losses look even more significant, since on this day in the composition The DBA had only 377 bombers left, of which only 170 were serviceable!) For the start of the war, a characteristic feature was the desire of everyone - from an ordinary machine operator or a pilot to a people's commissar - to urgently do something that could quickly and effectively influence the course of hostilities, "break the back of brutal fascism", as they said then. One of the crazes of the times was the formation of OSNAZ air units - a special purpose, staffed by the best pilots and armed with the most modern aircraft. The bet was made on the fact that these, selected, most literate and skillful would be able to quickly seize the initiative and pour the "cowardly pirates of Goering" on the first number. From the test pilots of the Air Force Research Institute, a number of fighter, assault and front-line bomber regiments were formed, but for flights on long-range bombers, the “bison” pilots from the Civil Air Fleet and the Main Northern Sea Route turned out to be more suitable. Having flown hundreds of thousands of kilometers in difficult weather conditions, having learned to use radio navigation systems, these pilots had no combat experience, so they were “diluted” with qualified personnel from long-range bomber aviation. In this way, from a thin layer of the "cream" of the Soviet Air Force and civil air fleet in June-August 1941, four "special" regiments were formed, designed to perform unusual tasks: the 412th and 413th on TB-7 and 420- th and 421st on Yer-2 aircraft. The leaders, who were preparing in the first place, were the 412th (later the 432nd) air regiment of Colonel V.I. Lebedev and the 420th air regiment of Colonel N.I. Novodranov. The unusual nature of these parts was also manifested in the attention given to them by Stalin. On June 29, one of the incredibly busy days, he found time for a personal meeting with Lebedev and Novodranov, and then received the commander of the 81st Air Division, which was being formed at an accelerated pace, brigade commander M.V. Vodopyanov. All four new OSNAZ long-range bomber regiments were included in this division. From the moment of its creation, the formation was considered special: its commander reported directly to the commander of the Air Force P.F. Zhigarev, and the tasks for the division, at least at first, were set by Stalin himself. The 81st hell can be considered to a certain extent the embryo of the ADD - Long-Range Aviation, created in March 1942 and representing, in essence, a new type of armed forces. The first problem faced by the command of the division and regiments was the fastest preparation of equipment and flight personnel for night combat flights at maximum range. The regiments were based in the rear - the 412th and 420th in Kazan (at different airfields), and the 421st - in Rostov-on-Don. The last air unit was headed by Lieutenant Colonel A.G. Gusev, former inspector of the Red Army Air Force Bomber Aviation for piloting technique. During the formation of the 420th Air Regiment, one combined squadron from the former 100th dbap entered it, and the other two squadrons were equipped with pilots and navigators from the Civil Air Fleet. In the 421st regiment, almost all pilots had a long flight experience in civil aviation, and the navigators came from the Poltava Improvement School, where they trained for the positions of at least squadron navigators. According to the memoirs of the head of the aerial photographic service of the regiment S.A. Krylov, one of the “bison” navigators even became a crew commander, since he had the rank of lieutenant colonel, and his pilot wore only lieutenant “kubari” in his buttonholes. Most of the pilots mobilized from the Civil Air Fleet, although they had tremendous experience, received primary officer ranks. According to staff No. 015/131, each regiment had 149 officers and 183 sergeants and privates. The gunners-radio operators were taken mostly from the Civil Air Fleet, had a raid on the lines for five to six years and could receive 60-70 telegraph signs per minute in the air. Some of them took part in the Soviet-Finnish war of 1939-1940. The air riflemen had the least experience in special regiments, but they were intensively prepared and trained for at least a month before being thrown into battle. As of August 4, the regiments had: 420th - 32 aircraft, and 421st - 28 vehicles. At the preparation stage, a large part of the equipment was lost in accidents and disasters, as well as for other reasons. For example, “On July 24, 1941, when performing an acceptance flight at plant No. 18 in the area of the Rossosh airfield, the Yer-2 aircraft head. No. 705 was attacked twice and fired upon by the I-16 fighter. After the second attack, the plane caught fire. Pilot Major Rykov and chief engineer of the Air Force Research Institute, military engineer 2nd rank Kokorin jumped with parachutes. Flight operator Safonov and flight engineer Seregin died, - the senior military representative of the plant reported. - Reason: inconsistency with air defense. The application for the flight and permission were. The NKVD is dealing with the matter.” But the real scourge of the serial "Erov" turned out to be fires that suddenly arose in flight. For this reason, only in the 420th ap before September 1, three cars were lost. The factory brigade, which was in the regiment, categorically rejected the guilt of the enterprise, but the facts stubbornly testified to the contrary. The most likely cause of the fires was a leak in the fuel lines in the engine nacelles. Gasoline was not just leaking from the connections - on some machines, flammable liquid almost gushed out. So, on the plane No. 201, representatives of the chief designer, lead engineer T.K. fuel tints. The presence of a leak (to a lesser extent) was also recorded on the machine of the head. No. 101. The specified defect during a long flight was bound to lead to a fire of the aircraft. The situation turned out to be close to catastrophic. In addition, plant No. 18 supplied low-quality exhaust gas collectors to the Era. Their joints were poorly fitted to the cylinder blocks, and the copper-asbestos gaskets periodically burned through. In addition, it quickly became clear that the collectors had burnt welding on the flanges, and therefore, after two or three hours of operation under vibration conditions, they gave cracks through which hot exhaust gases entered the engine nacelle. Subsequently, in his book, one of the pilots of the 420th Air Regiment, Twice Hero of the Soviet Union A.I. Molodchiy, recalled another reason for the Yer-2 fires: it turns out that the drainage pipes of the gasoline system were brought under the engine hoods due to a design error. As a result, Yer-2 burned like candles, even never meeting with the enemy. While identifying the causes and methods of dealing with this scourge, it turned out that there are ... foreign objects inside the superchargers of the motors. From the shaking, the screws came out, fastening the mesh in the supercharger air intake channel and designed just to prevent all kinds of debris from entering the motor. Due to the mistake of the technologists, the screws simply forgot to lock. In addition, other “details” were found inside the supercharger diffusers: a two-kopeck coin, fragments of drills and even a wrench. Several engines required repair, and almost all aircraft needed factory refinement. Another serious nuisance was defects in the landing gear and landing flaps retracting system. At least two aircraft in the 421st Aviation Regiment suffered landing accidents due to folding undercarriage legs during the run. The technical staff did not have time to calmly master the complex machine, in the design of which there were so many “beans”. The war was on, the Soviet troops were retreating along the entire front, and it was time for the Eram to go into battle. For Distant TargetsAs you know, on the night of August 8, 1941, Berlin was bombed by naval pilots of Colonel E.N. Preobrazhensky on DB-3 aircraft. On August 9, Colonel Novodranov received a preliminary combat order from the commander of the 81st Air Division, M.V. Vodopyanov. The task was of the highest category of complexity. It was necessary to transfer the Yer-2 group to the Pushkin jump airfield near Leningrad and from there to strike at the capital of the Third Reich. Simultaneously with the Yeras, the TB-7 heavy bombers of Colonel V.I. Lebedev were also aiming at Berlin. Captain A.G. Stepanov, deputy commander of the regiment, was appointed commander of the "operational group" of the 420th air regiment, and captain Brusnitsyn was appointed his deputy. It follows from the report of the latter that on August 10, “upon arriving in Pushkin, the personnel were assembled to give instructions to unload the planes and hang bombs on 7 FAB-100s. Flight commanders and navigators were assembled to work out the mission. 8 15.00 a combat order was received to fly out to the target Berlin ... The flight order was set as follows. The first link takes off TB-7, followed by the Yer-2 link at 20.30 under the command of Captain Stepanov, followed by the TB-7 link at 20.45 and at 21.00 the Yer-2 link under the command of Captain Brusnitsyn, followed by the next link TB-7. Behind the TB-7 link, a pair of Yer-2s take off under the command of junior lieutenant Molodchy ... " A.I. Molodchiy's book states that 16 Yer-2 planes from the 420th Air Regiment. However, in the opinion of the authors, the cited report of Captain Brusnitsyn, presented to the chief of staff of Hell 81 the day after the events described, deserves more confidence. On that evening, events did not develop at all as planned by the commander of the Red Army Air Force, Lieutenant General of Aviation Zhigarev, who was present at the departure airfield. During takeoff, the TB-7 of Major KP Egorov crashed, in which both right engines failed at once. Yer-2 of junior lieutenant A.I. Molodchey, having run the entire unpaved strip, failed to get off the ground, demolished the chassis in a ditch and miraculously did not explode on its own bombs. Major Tyagunin's heavy vehicle from the 432nd ap was hit by his anti-aircraft guns over the mouth of the Luga in the Vysu region, only part of the crew managed to leave the flaming bomber. Only six TB-7s and three Yer-2s flew to Berlin. Captain Brusnitsyn, the leader of the second trio of Yer-2, after takeoff, walked around the airfield for an hour, waiting for the followers, but after the TB-7 crash and the Yer-2 accident, General Zhigarev forbade the remaining aircraft from taking off. On Brusnitsyn's plane, when landing in the dark, the landing gear broke, and the vehicle lay on the wing. From the board of the bombers rushing towards Berlin, there were reports that they were attacked by I-16 and I-153 fighters (the latter for some reason "red") and fired upon by their anti-aircraft artillery. Despite the conditional signals (green missiles) given by the bomber crews, the donkeys and the seagull continued to fire at their own. The reason for the misunderstanding was that the fighters belonged to "another department" - the aviation of the Baltic Fleet. The bomber gunners were forced to return fire and drive away the excessively zealous hawks. Troika Yer-2 captain A.G.Stepanov continued to fly to the target. It got dark, multi-layered clouds appeared, and after passing the zone where the link was subjected to heavy fire from its own anti-aircraft artillery, the small group broke up. Here, over the black desert of the Baltic, the deputy squadron commander, Lieutenant V.M. Malinin, and the flight commander, Lieutenant B.A. Kubyshko, saw Captain Stepanov's Yer-2 for the last time. He did not return from the mission and the place of death of the crew of the yellow "two" remained unknown. Judging by the radio message received at the departure airfield, Stepanov nevertheless bombed the main target. The crews of Malinin and Kubyshko also flew to Berlin and dropped bombs on the "lair of the beast." On the way back, Lieutenant Kubyshko's plane was mistakenly attacked by Soviet fighters and shot down. The crew members left the burning car with parachutes and subsequently returned to their regiment. Early in the morning, a lone Yer-2 of Lieutenant Malinin landed at the Pushkin airfield. So, the 420th dbap OSNAZ did not start its combat path very successfully. Nevertheless, following the results of the raid on the capital of the Reich, the crew commanders Stepanov (posthumously), Malinin and Kubyshko received the Order of the Red Banner, and the navigators captains Zh.S. Sagdiev and G.N. Fedorovsky - Order of the Red Star. In addition, according to the results of the raid of the 81st Air Division on Berlin, the order of the People's Commissar of Defense No. 0071 of August 17, 1941 was issued. It assessed the work of the division command, the flight and technical staff of the regiments. It was noted, in particular, that "the flight crew, despite the lengthy preparation for the flight, did not fully master the material part of the engine and weapons (this concerned the crews of TB-7 to the greatest extent. - Approx. Aut.)". Vodopyanov was removed from command of the division as having failed in his duties, but for his personal courage (he drove one of the cars on a mission and visited the “lair of the beast”) he received gratitude. Stalin ordered the Military Council of the Air Force to pay special attention to the preparation and condition of the 81st hell, “replenishing its shelves with TB-7 ships with AM-35 and AM-35A engines, Yer-2 aircraft with AM-37 engines and DB-3 aircraft with outboard tanks, meaning the use of the division for systematic attacks on military targets deep behind enemy lines. The reality strongly diverged from the plans of Joseph Vissarionovich. During the remaining months of 1941, the aircraft and crews of the 81st Hell more often had to strike not at the deep rear of the enemy, but at cities and railway stations with original Russian names. As for the 420th ap, only six “long-range” sorties were made. On the night of August 28 and September 1, 1941, the crews of Captain Khorpyakov, Senior Lieutenant Klimenko and Lieutenant Polezhaev attacked Koenigsberg from the Ramenskoye airfield near Moscow. They all returned safely to their airfield. There were no other long-range flights, that is, for the main purpose of the Yer-2, were carried out. The acute need for front-line bombers forced all forces, including long-range bomber aircraft, to be thrown into the fight against the advancing motorized units of the enemy. On August 17, 1941, the former commander of the 212th ap A.E. was appointed the new commander of the 81st air division. Golovanov, who at the same time received the rank of "colonel". (Just two months later, on October 25, 1941, he became a major general in aviation.) In the Summer and Autumn of 1941According to the official data of the People's Commissariat of the Aviation Industry, the assembly and delivery of the last "Erovs" in the air unit was carried out by plant No. 18 in July 1941, however, the reports of the plant itself indicate that six aircraft were transferred to the Air Force in August, and three more in September. The seventy-first, "overplanned" Yer-2 remained at the plant until the end of October, and its further fate is unknown. Perhaps he suffered on September 19, 1941, when a lone He.111 bombed the territory of the Voronezh aircraft plant in broad daylight, dropping 16 50-kg SC50 land mines, which ended up in different workshops. But the greatest damage was caused by the 1000-kg SC1000 dropped by the same crew, which ended up in the stamping shop. Most of the bombs were planted by the Germans for mining, they were defused, but some detonated on impact. 06 The assessment of Yer-2 by the members of the flight crews at that time can be judged from the report of the commissar of the 420th ap senior political instructor Dokalenko to the member of the Military Council of the Air Force of the Spacecraft Corps, corps commissar Stepanov. “The flight crew expresses a certain mood regarding the reliability of the materiel,” the political instructor noted with concern. “Pilots and navigators say that it would be good to transfer them to another type of aviation.” Such sad thoughts became widespread in the regiment due to the inability of the factory brigades and the technical staff of the unit to eliminate the causes of fires. As of August 13, five cases of spontaneous combustion of aircraft in the air were recorded in the 420th regiment, while ten crew members died and received burns. “Similar troubles occurred in the 421st ap, where the crew completely burned down with the plane,” Dokalenko said. On August 7, 1941, in the area of the Rostov-on-Don airfield, the Yer-2 manager crashed. No. 1850904 Senior Lieutenant N.I. Martynov from the 421st Aviation Regiment, Lieutenant Colonel Gusev. This happened just two days after receiving it from factory #18. According to eyewitnesses, during the flight, the aircraft with running engines went into a descent and crashed into the ground with the entire crew; the cause of the emergency could not be determined. But in other cases, she lay on the surface. So, on August 5, on the plane of the squadron commandYer-2 of senior lieutenant Kondratiev (manufacturer No. 1851005), the hydraulic system tube burst, and the chassis did not want to be released. The emergency exhaust system also failed - it fell off the roller and the cable jammed. I had to put the car "on its belly", which led to the need to replace the propellers, motors and struts of the main landing gear, not to mention the skin and frame of the engine nacelles. The rupture of the hydraulic system pipes turned out to be the thirtieth (!) Since the start of operation of the Ep-2 in the 421st regiment, in other words, such incidents occurred almost daily. A serious problem, the significance of which no one could underestimate after the catastrophic losses of parts of the DBA in the first month of the war, was the insufficient defense capability of the aircraft. The effective firing range of ShKAS machine guns did not exceed 200 m, and their low destructive qualities when operating on enemy all-metal fighters caused bitter definitions in the style of “peas” or “humane weapons” from pilots. On July 25, 1941, Major General I.F. Petrov, head of the Main Directorate of the Air Force of the KA, sent a letter to People's Commissar Shakhurin on the issue of strengthening the fire protection of serial Yer-2s. In particular, he suggested: "1. Install a twin ShKAS on the upper middle turret instead of one ShKAS machine gun, for which instruct factory No. 32 to urgently manufacture the necessary parts (fangs and heads) and mount the twins on aircraft. In the future, the previously installed large-caliber installation TAT on the Yer-2 aircraft will be restored ... 2. Replace the ShKAS bow mount with a large-caliber mount designed by KB-3 of plant No. 32 (Chief Designer Toropov)... 3. To protect the crew, install aft armor in the fuselage and an armor plate on the MV-3 turret, similar to the DB-3F aircraft ... " Shakhurin immediately agreed to all these activities and entrusted their implementation to Yermolaev. And on August 5, the people's commissar of the aviation industry issued order No. 799, in which he set the tasks for the accelerated revision of the Yer-2 to the directors of the factories: Shenkman - in terms of eliminating defects in the design of the aircraft, heads of the "weapons" factories Sokolov, Krupnov and Mirgorov - in terms of weapons. The deadlines were tough - "by August 10, by August 20 ..." - but enterprises overloaded with military orders could not keep up with the avalanche of guidelines. Only at the beginning of September, at the NIP AV (scientific test site for aviation weapons), which was located in Noginsk, the Yer-2 aircraft with new rifle installations developed by plant No. 32 entered the test. Heavy BT machine guns were mounted at all firing points (with belt feed in the bow and hatch mounts and with magazine feed on the upper turret). Despite the shortcomings found, the developed designs were recommended for serial production. But the recommendation of NIP AV could not be fully implemented, since plant No. 32 was heavily loaded with tasks for large-scale machines. By the beginning of October, only 50% of the Yer-2 aircraft in combat units were replaced with top gun turrets with TAT turrets with BT machine guns, while magazine food, which was especially often criticized (Too much time was spent replacing a magazine with a capacity of only 38 rounds - up to 50-60 s.), preserved. In addition, work was carried out to install additional armor for all crew members using the backlog left at factory No. 18 after the completion of the production of DB-3F. In particular, the shooters' workplaces were covered with standard armored backs from the Ilyushin bomber, and later they began to mount a solid armored frame from a 15-mm sheet behind their cockpit. In the interests of maintaining centering, the oxygen tanks had to be moved forward. Back on August 6, 1941, the leading engineer of the Air Force Research Institute, military engineer of the 2nd rank N.K. Kokorin, in a memorandum to the command of the institute, drew attention to the need to reduce the length of the takeoff run and the takeoff distance of the Yer-2. He proposed to improve the insufficient power supply of the aircraft by forcing the M-105 engines in terms of boost (increasing it from 965 to 1025 mm Hg) and rotational speed (from 2600 to 2700 rpm). We remind the reader that later it was by boosting the M-105 by supercharging that plant No. 26 managed to significantly increase its power near the ground and at low altitudes (options M-105PF and M-105RF), but in 1941 Kokorin's proposal remained unrealized. The use of jet boosters, at that time called "reactors", with which the experimental TB-3 flew back in 1936, could be a fundamental way to improve the take-off properties of the Yer-2. On October 8, 1941, the head of the Air Force Research Institute, Brigadier Fedorov, reported to General Petrov about the completion of preliminary studies at the Research Institute-3 of the People's Commissariat of Ammunition, where the appearance of accelerators was being worked out to facilitate the take-off of the Yer-2 2M-105. In particular, two versions of the accelerator were proposed: liquid (fuel components - kerosene and nitric acid) with a thrust of 2250 kg and solid propellant (a package of six rockets) with a thrust of 3500 kg. In the first case, the duration of the accelerator was 12 s, in the second - only 6 s, but even this was enough to reduce the takeoff run of a bomber with a maximum takeoff weight of 14,000 kg to 600 m. Other ideas were worked out. Like most domestic bombers, on the eve of the war, the Yer-2 was equipped with the so-called "neutral gas system", which included several cylinders with nitrogen or carbon dioxide and pipelines for supplying gas to gas tanks. As was known, gasoline vapors in the free space above the fuel posed a great threat to the bomber if a bullet hit them: often the tank simply exploded. By filling the tank with non-combustible gases, they sought to reduce the fire hazard of aircraft, which was confirmed by practice. However, soon the engineering and technical personnel of the units had to deal with the banal lack of nitrogen at the airfields. Then the idea was put forward to replace the deficit with what is always at hand: the exhaust gases of engines with a high content of CO2. It was only necessary to pre-cool them. By the way, another problem was also solved: the air heated in the heat exchangers could be supplied to the aircraft cabin, significantly improving the life of the crew, because in winter at an altitude of 6,000 m the temperature often dropped below - 50 °C. In the summer of 1941, after the start of mass production of powerful AM-38 engines, the Ermolaevites began designing another version of the machine. In order to ensure the altitude required for a long-range bomber (recall that the altitude limit of the AM-38 with a single-speed supercharger was only 1650 m), it was supposed to equip the engines with TK-3 turbochargers. The head of TsIAM, Kashirin, received an instruction from the people's commissar of the aviation industry: by November 7 (a very characteristic touch), 1941, to ensure the start of flight tests of the Yer-2 2AM-38 with the TK-3. However, all plans for the further improvement of Yer-2 were crossed out by the decision to evacuate plant No. 240 to Kazan, which began on October 9, 1941. complete mismanagement. In addition to him, several more aviation enterprises were transferred to Kazan on the territory of aircraft factory No. 124, including the huge Moscow aircraft factory No. 22. In the "fight of giants" for production facilities, equipment and housing, the Yermolaevites had no chance. Most of the plant's employees were placed on a concrete floor in the building of the Chatky cinema, which was a large empty barn. There was an unfriendly attitude towards the evacuees from the local population - the Tatars. The unfortunate migrants were “ripped off like sticky pieces” by local market dealers and apartment owners, where many moved to after taking a sip of the charms of life in Chatky. In winter conditions, when the tram stopped due to snow drifts, the workers had to travel on foot, making a journey of 10-15 km in one direction. Under the current conditions, it was no longer up to the creation of new versions of the bomber - an inherently terrible struggle for physical survival came to the fore for all employees of the plant and design bureau. “Weary, painful idleness, chaos, anarchy set in,” recalled A.K. Aronov. “The saddest thing is that the team began to disintegrate, everyone tried to get settled, whoever was in what they liked, everyone was hanging out in the markets ...” In fact, for six months the plant was completely “unsettled”, only one small group of workers continued to engage in state tests of Yer -2 2AM-37 in Sverdlovsk, and the other - to repair the Era arriving in Kazan, which required restoration after emergency landings. |
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