Aviation of World War II

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MiG-13 (I-250)

Naval fighter

Mikoyan, Gurevich


Work on the creation of an experimental fighter with a combined power plant began in accordance with the GKO decree of May 22, 1944. The first flight copy of the aircraft, named I-250, was handed over for factory tests in February 1945.

The I-250 combined power plant consisted of a VK-107A engine with a capacity of 1650hp. and the VRDK accelerator, created at TsIAM by K.V. Kholshchevnikov. The power developed by the piston engine was transmitted to two consumers at once: the propeller and the VRDK compressor. During takeoff and during flight without the use of the VRDK, the main power consumer was the propeller, and the VRDK compressor rotates in the lowest gear. To reduce the takeoff run and increase the flight speed to the maximum, the second, higher gear of the compressor drive was switched on, and fuel was supplied to the combustion chamber. The aircraft was equipped with a three-bladed AV-10P-60 propeller with a diameter of 3.1 m.

The armament consisted of three 20 mm B-20 cannons (ammunition for 100 rounds). One cannon fired through the hollow shaft of the gearbox and two synchronous ones on the sides of the fuselage.

March 3, 1945. the I-250 aircraft made its first flight. However, on July 5, 1945. during the next test flight, the first copy of the I-250 crashed, in which test pilot A.P. Deev. Due to a large overload, the stabilizer collapsed. The pilot left the plane, but because of the low altitude, the parachute canopy was filled too late, not having time to extinguish the pilot's fall speed.

In May 1945. the second copy of the I-250 fighter was received for factory tests. After the catastrophe of the first instance, the stabilizer was strengthened on it, and the keel area was significantly increased to increase the directional stability at high flight speeds.

MiG-13 (I-250)
Crew 1
Wing span, m 9.50
Wing area, m² 15.00
Length, m 8.19
1 × PE Klimov VK-107R + VDRK, total power, hp 2,560
Weight, kg
Empty weight, kg 2,797
Gross weight, kg 3,680
Maximum speed near the ground, km/h 680
Maximum speed at altitude, km/h 820
Service range, km 790
3 × 20 mm B-20 cannons (100 rounds each), bombs, kg 230

The maximum speed obtained during the tests was 825 km/h, exceeding the speed of piston fighters of that time by 100-150 km/h. The inclusion of the VRDK on takeoff reduced the takeoff distance to 400m.

In 1946. 8 I-250 aircraft were built, called MiG-13, which were soon sent to military trials. However, given that by this time aircraft with jet engines MiG-9 and Yak-15 had already appeared, at the beginning of 1948 all aircraft were decommissioned.

Photo Description
Drawingа MiG-13

Drawing MiG-13 (I-250)

Layout of MiG-13

Layout of MiG-13

Drawing MiG-13


Drawing MiG-13



  • History of aircraft designs in the USSR, 1938-1950 / V.B. Shavrov /
  • The first jet "MiG" / Evgeny Arsenyev /