Photos & Drawings
Pe-8 engines AM-35.
Pe-8 4 AM-35A # 42066, June 1942
Pe-8 4 ASh-82 # 42210, 1943
Pe-8 4 ACh-30B passenger ("E") # 42,612, 1945
Petlyakov TB-7 # 385 "double", nicknamed "Beard". Crew Otkidach MF photographed against the background of this famous aircraft.
On the back of the photo shows "Combat the captain Michael Otkidach Fedotovich, passed us the way from heavy crew 4214. (And below the name and signature): 1. Petrov 2. Shustov 3. Gurov 4. Tishkov 5. Vasiliev 6. Buslaev. November in 1945. "
File photo Kipenskoy GM
Petlyakov TB-7 # 4211 1-series production, late 1939. In the photo on the chassis of the plane lifted following an emergency landing on April 30 1940. Chkalov airfield. The reason for the incident, issued the landing gear did not rise to the locks and spontaneously formed in the end of the run.
Aircraft restored. Bombed June 22, 1941 at the airport in Kiev.
Pe-8 # 42015 with engines AM-35A
The photo of TB-7 # 42015 during the test. According to test results indicated very heavy control of the plane. Motors: AM-35A. Tests completed June 14, 1941.
AP DD 746, 28 October 1942. After the assignment, crashed on its airfield, piloted by the commander of the aircraft captain Ponomarenko.
After a combat mission
File photo of Oleg Lisacheva
The photo of TB-7 # 4224 during the tests in 1941
29-th April 1942 the Western Allies had an opportunity to meet with a Soviet heavy bomber TB-7, landed in Scotland (Tealing). Flown to the Commissioner for Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov to sign an agreement with his British counterpart, Anthony Eden.
Pay attention to the Hawker Hurricane of 56 Operational Training Unit and DH Hornet Moth in the background.
From the collection of Philip Jarret
Pe-8 # 42066 during a visit to England VM Molotov in May 1942, the commander of EK Pusep, navigators AP Shtepenko and SM Novels. For the implementation of this mission, all three were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.
October 16, 1942 Pe-8 42 066 with four engines AM-35A, commanders Pusep, Zelensky, a fire engine made ??an emergency landing and burned. Was written off 14 November 1942 on the basis of a technical act of the 45th AD for DD # 00653 on October 16, 1942 and the corresponding certificate of inspection for the # 118.
Pe-8 "ON" # 42,712 on the state tests, summer 1945.
Pe-8 "ON" # 42712 - passenger version with diesel engines ACh-30B.
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