A.P. 2019E-P.N.
British Air Ministry, January 1950
53. Feathering
(i) Close the throttle.
(ii) Hold the pushbutton in only long enough to ensure that it stays in by itself, then release it so that it can spring out when the feathering is complete. If it does not spring out, it must be pulled out.
(iii) Turn off the fuel cock.
(iv) When the engine has stopped, or nearly stopped, switch off the ignition and close the radiator shutter.
54. Unfeathering
(i) Set the throttle slightly open and the r.p.m. control lever fully back, and then switch on the ignition.
(ii) Hold the pushbutton in until r p.m. rise to 800-1.000 and ensure that it springs out fully.
(iii) Turn on the fuel.
(iv) If the propeller does not return to normal constant-speed operation it must be feathered and unfeathered again, releasing the pushbutton at slightly higher r.p.m.
(v) It is advisable to unfcather at speeds below 175 knots to avoid risk of engine overspeeding.
(vi) Idle the engine at approximately 1,800 r.p.m. until the temperatures reach the minimum for opening up.
55. Engine failure during take-off
(i) The handling characteristics of individual aircraft differ considerably according to age and load. Except in cases where it is known to be less ; at approximately 17.000 lb., safety speed should be assumed to be 155 knots at -r 9 lb./ sq. in. boost and. if the engines have not been de-rated 170 knots at +18 Ib./sq. in boost.
(ii) If safety speed has been attained, the aircraft will climb away on one engine at climbing power at about 135-140 knots provided that: —
(a) The propeller of the failed engine is feathered and the radiator shutter closed.
(b) The flaps are fully up.
(iii) The drag of a windmilling propeller is very high and unless feathering action is taken immediately, control can only be maintained at the expense of a rapid loss in height.
(iv) The aircraft accelerates slowly to the safety speed at + 18 Ib./sq. in. boost. If high power is used for take-off, it is recommended that climbing power is used as soon after take-off as is possible.
56. Engine failure in flight
(i) Close the throttle and feather the propeller of the failed engine.
(ii) Open the radiator shutter and keep a careful watch on the temperature of the live engine.
(iii) At full load, height can be maintained on either engine up to 12.000 ft. using climbing power at about 150 knots.
57. Single-engine landing
(i) While manoeuvring with the flaps and undercarriage up a speed of 140-150 knots should be maintained ;
(ii) A normal circuit can safely be made irrespective of which engine has failed. The checks before landing should be carried out us for a normal landing, but it should be remembered that the undercarriage will take longer to lower on one engine approximately 30 seconds at 2,850 r.p.m. — and owing to its high drag, height will be lost once it has started to lower.
(iii) When across wind, flaps may be lowered 15° and the live engine used carefully to regulate the rate of descent. Speed should not be allowed to fall below 135 knots until it is clear that the airfield is within easy reach ; flaps may then be lowered further as required and power and speed reduced as height is lost, aiming to cross the airfield boundary at the speeds quoted for an engine assisted landing.
58. Going round again on one engine
Going round again is only possible if the decision is made while ample height remains and before more than 15° of flap is lowered. The height is required in order to maintain the speed above the critical speed, for the high power necessary, while the undercarriage and flaps are retracting. When the decision to go round again has been made:—
(i) Ensure that the speed is not less than 135 knots, and then increase power on the live engine to --9 Ib./sq. in. boost and 2.850 r.p.m.
(ii) Raise the undercarriage.
(iii) Increase speed to 140-150 knots.
(iv) Raise the flaps and re-trim.
(v) If the engines are not de-rated, power higher than +9 lb./ should only be applied carefully and within the limits of rudder control.
59. Undercarriage and flaps emergency operation
(i) If the undercarriage has lowered but not locked down:
(a) Re-select DOWN, check that the selector lever returns to neutral, and check the position of the undercarriage by the indicator and warning horn.
(b) If the undercarriage is still not locked down, but the selector lever springs back to neutral, this indicates functioning of the hydraulic pumps, but no positive operation of the undercarriage down locks. Leave the selector in the neutral position until the flaps have been lowered, then take every opportunity of holding the undercarriage selector in the DOWN position. After landing hold the selector in the DOWN position until the units can be locked by the ground crew.
Until this has been done, avoid raising the flaps, taxying. turning or using the brakes.
(ii) If the indicator fails to show that the undercarriage is locked down, and the selector lever does not spring back to neutral:
(a) Return (he selector lever to neutral and push the emergency knob down. Operate the handpump until the indicator shows that the wheels are locked down, or until considerable resistance is fell for several strokes. This, however, will not lower the tail wheel.
(b) Return the emergency knob to the UP position. Put the flap selector lever DOWN and handpump until the flaps are 15° down. Then return the selector lever to neutral.
(c) Select undercarriage DOWN, and use the handpump in an attempt to lower the tailwheel. Increased resistance to the handpump indicates when the operation is complete.
(d) Lower the flaps fully, or as required, using the handpump. Return the flaps selector lever to neutral.
(e) If the main wheels fail to lock down, or to remain locked down, push the emergency knob down again and maintain pressure on the undercarriage by using the handpump during the landing (see sub para, (i) (b)).
60. Flapless landing.
The approach with flaps up is very flat, and difficulty may be experienced in maintaining a steady airspeed. At the maximum landing weight the final approach should be made at 115 knots. At light loads, this speed may be reduced by S knots. The touchdown is straightforward and the landing run, although lengthened, does not become excessive.
61. Bombs, R.P. and wing drop tank jettisoning
(i) Bombs and wing drop tanks
(a) Select bomb doors DOWN.
(b) Check doors open with warning light.
(c) Jettison small bomb containers by pressing the button (27).
(d) Select all bombs, and press the release button (45) on the control column ; this will release the fuselage bombs unfused. and the wing bombs or wing drop tanks.
(ii) R.P.
Rocket projectiles cannot be jettisoned except by firing as stated in para. 29 (ii).
62. Fire-extinguishers
The engine fire-extinguisher buttons (70) are on the electrical panel on the cockpit starboard wall. They operate automatically in the event of a crash. A hand fire-exiinguisher is provided to (he right of the pilot's seat. Mod. 1145 introduces, a tire warning light which is positioned in the centre of each feathering pushbutton. When this light glows red it indicates an outbreak of fire at the appropriate engine.
A semi-automatic fire-extinguisher system will be introduced under Mod. 1398,
63. Parachute exit
Exit should be made through the entrance door, which must first be jettisoned by pulling the handle (80) and kicking out. Do not touch the normal handle. If possible feather the starboard propeller before leaving the aircraft.
64. Crash exit
Through the roof panel—pull down the red lever in front of the panel and push out.
65. Ditching
(i) The aircraft may be successfully ditched but, whenever possible, it should be abandoned by parachute.
(ii) When ditching, jettison the roof panel but keep the entrance door closed.
(iii) Lower the flaps 15°
(iv) The harness should be light and locked,
(v) Ditching should be along the swell or into wind if the swell is not steep.
(vi) If power is available it should be used to reduce speed of touchdown as far as possible.
66. Crash landing
Cases have occurred of paddle-bladed propellers, when under power, breaking on impact, when the port propeller is liable to cause injury to the pilot's legs. The engines should, therefore, be throttled fully back before touching down.
67. IFF
The demolition switches (69) for the IFF arc on the electrical panel aft of the master switch (68).
68. Signal pistol
A signal pistol is mounted in the centre of the cockpit roof above the pilot's head. A stowage for ten cartridges is provided under the observer's scat.
69. Emergency equipment
(i) Desert equipment
Desert equipment is stowed in the rear fuselage and is accessible through the rear hatch.
(ii) Dinghy
An L type dinghy with an emergency pack is stowed in the fuselage above the centre section. The dinghy is inflated automatically by an immersion switch, or manually by pulling the release cable in the roof behind the pilot's head.
(iii) Crash axe
This is stowed at the back of the pilot's seat.
(iv) First-aid outfit
This is stowed under the pilot's seat.
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