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Photo Airfield
Sqdn Type No Accident Crew
Eindhoven raid 88 Boston AL693
Boston AL693 'U' flown by F/L Johny Reeve and his crew on the Eindhoven raid. WOP/AG (Wireless Operator/Air Gunner) Jim 'Dintry' Moore in the rear gun turret. In later served with 114 Squadron and was lost in a crash landing on 17 September 1943.  
6 March 1944
392 Liberator B-24H 27598/E
'Flak Ducker'
Liberator B-24H 27598/E, 'Flak Ducker' at Overberg, the Netherlands. Lt Erling Hestad and crew were all taken prisoner and the Luftwaffe presented with a little-harmed Liberator which they repaired and flew. Lt Erling Hestad and crew were all taken prisoner
Alconbury 93 Liberator 123754
'Teggie Ann'
Liberator B-24D 'Teggie Ann', 123754, seen here under service at Alconbury, was usually flown by the 93rd Bomb Group CO or his deputy. The bomber's career was terminated when the aircraft was crash-landed in Turkey in August 1943.  
16 June 1944
460 Liberator B-24
Liberator B-24 41-28804 of the 460th Bomb Group on 16 June 1944. The crew were able to bale out before the aircraft went out of control and broke in two.  
701 Liberator B-24J 2100404
The 701st Bomb Squadron's B-24J 2100404/ MK:S, The Grim Reaper, endured to the end of hostilities despite its forbidding name, although it was transferred to another group following repairs.  
Photo Airfield
Sqdn Type No Accident Crew
November 1943 309 Boeing 17G 239776
This particular B-17G, 239776 RD:K, was lost during Big Week (third week of February 1944). Lt John Coughlin's crew, half of whom were killed
Africa 551 Boeing 17F 23290/R
'Raunchy Wolf'
This B-17F was lost in a collision over southeast Essex while returning from a mission on 26 September 1943. Only one gunner survived of the twenty aircrew involved.  
Ijmuiden raid
13 February 1943
21 Ventura AE742
Ventura AE742/YH:M of No 21 Squadron during an attack on 13 February 1943. A month later AE742 suffered flak damage and was ditched near Guernsey.  
Eindhoven raid 21 Ventura AE692
Ventura AE692/YH:K of No 21 Squadron, which was flown by P/O Smith on the Eindhoven raid. AE692 was shot down on 21 April 1943.  
Mannheim, 13 January 1945 427 Flying Fortress B-17 338689
Boeing B-17 338689/GN:A of 2/Lt O.T. Eisenhart's over Mannheim on 13 January 1945 when the 303rd Bomb Group was given a rail bridge at Mannheim to destroy. 2/Lt O.T. Eisenhart's crew were killed
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